North Amityville Community Parade & Festival Day on June 4, 2022
Parade starts at 11AM @ Rosewood & Harrison Avenue. Festival will be held at
Bolden Mack Park from 12 Noon until 6PM.
Link to Facebook
Community Discussion / Open House on June 16, 2022
We welcome you to come Join Us! We Need new members.
Have questions – feel free to come talk / mingle with members and why it is important to join our Post.
COVID protocols will be followed. Please wear your MASK – limited seating due to COVID Protocols. MUST RSVP.
Limited seating.
RSVP by phone: (631) 951-7202
Commander of Post 1218
Lenore Brathwaite:
Link: How Veteran Lenore Brathwaite uses skills she learned
in the U.S. Army at Northwell Health Laboratories
Help U.S. Veterans:
Save Post 1218!
Established by American veterans of World War I and World War II. The Hunter-Squires-Jackson (H.S.J.) Post 1218,
is a non-profit veterans organization that has been serving the Long Island community for over 75 years.
Please make a donation.
All checks can be made out to: Hunter Squires Jackson Post 1218
Mail to: PO Box 352, Amityville NY 11701
Dedicated in memory of Harry Jackson,Past Commander and
Adjutant of Post1218 and Past SuffolkCounty Commander.
"helped bridge the divide between Vietnam and World War II veterans at regional American Legion posts"
"an advocate of letting Vietnam-era guys move into positions of authority in the legion"
"He lived and died American Legion"
Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion
History of Hunter Squires Jackson Post 1218
History of the Auxiliary
Naming of the Post-Conferring an Honor
Acquiring Land for a Building
Goals and Philosophy
Read more..
Why Join the American Legion Auxiliary?
Because we empower women and inspire communities! Nearly 900,000 women are members of the
American Legion Auxiliary, justifiably known as the nation's largest patriotic woman's
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